Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Continuation of Blog Post 2: Public Pedagogy of Everyday Objects & Spaces Encounter

Because of technical troubles, our class is unable to access CyberHouse and respond to it. Instead, I'd like to write about my reaction to Andrea Zittel's textile art.

If one's body is a temple, than I certainly redecorate every morning when I dress. Through clothing, I house my body in different environments. After viewing Zittel's Art 21 profile, I am struck by how unnecessary this act is. Zittel chooses to wear one outfit per season. While the artist does claim that her clothes look worn towards the end of each season, I appreciate her creative response to fashion consumerism. I am especially interested in her use of crochet to weave an entire garment out of a single thread. Zittel's dress crocheting reminds me of a bird building its nest.

Did anyone else enjoy/not enjoy Zittel's work?

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed Zittel's work. I have a closet and dresser and bins full of clothes that sometimes never get work during a calendar year, so I'm trying to pare down the wardrobe and give those clothes to someone who could use them (literally and figuratively). I think you make a great comparison with clothing being a decoration to house the body. It seems like it would be so much easier to wear one outfit for an entire season. Even though I have a lot of clothes, I always find myself falling back to a few old favorites, as I'm sure others do as well.
